Chairperson's Message

Unfortunately however, due to the bleak economic scenario of today’s India, the
importance of national integration is somewhat diminished. It’s priority has gone down, as
economic situation has assumed serious dimensions and demands more attention and
urgency. If the constant price-rise and inflationary pressure are not arrested through result
oriented measures, an economic debacle can be in offing.
There is no denying the fact that economic degeneration at this pace which is debasing the
value of money and lowering its purchasing power, erodes people’s faith in country’s fiscal
system and puts them in the mood of dismay. Financial stringency due to the ever-rising
cost of living and soaring prices, upsets the domestic budget of millions of people who
belong to the lower middle class bracket. The plight of the weaker sections below the
poverty line becomes far more appalling.
In countless number of homes the grown-up members of the family have to count every
morsel of food they take, so that the children do not starve.


Financial stringency of such acute and malignant nature demoralizes the people at large. It
causes untold misery and suffering and makes them disgruntled.
This psychological change in the masses is likely to jeopardize the nation’s larger interests,
as unhappy and discontented people sometimes adopt an attitude of apathy and
indifference towards national security and demand change. Which they believe would
ameliorate their miserable lot.
Unfortunately, this public mentality prevails in today’s India and the unhealthy trend of
thoughts is mainly engendered by inflationary pressure. The ever-rising prices of essential
commodities has inordinately raised the cost of living and has created a sense of
despondency and helplessness in a very large segment of the Indian society, which
comprises nearly seventy percent of the total population.
In the interest of the nation’s economy, it has become imperative to implement new fiscal
policies by imparting benefit of thousands of crores to the exchequer by raising the intrinsic
value of the rupee; ending deficit financing and reducing the burden of foreign debts and
interest on the country. India will become incalculably richer and stronger through this